
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Animals and human beings have a close relationship. There are many words about animals in human’s language. People often use animal words to convey special feelings, enriching the connotation of the language. English and Chinese animal words, under the influence of their own language culture and customs, have many differences on their connotation meaning. Understanding these differences is of great significance for promoting Chinese and western cultural exchange. This paper, through the analysis of examples, explores the cultural differences of animal words between English and Chinese, to help readers better understand and use English and Chinese animal words.


Keywords: animal words; geographical differences; aesthetic value; culture





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Cultural Differences between Chinese and English-2

3.1 Historical Differences-2

3.2 Geographical Differences-3

3.3 Custom Differences-3

3.4 Aesthetic Value Differences-4

4. Same Animal Words-4

4.1 Historical Differences in “Dragon” and “龙”-4

4.2 Geographical Differences in “Beaver” and “海狸”-5

4.3 Custom Differences in “Dog” and “狗”-6

4.4 Aesthetic Value Differences in “Cat” and “猫”-7

5. Different Animal Words-8

5.1 Historical Differences in “Phenix” “Phoenix” and “凤凰”-8

5.2 Geographical Differences in “Bull” “Ox” and “牛”-9

5.3 Custom Differences in “Bat” “Vampire” and “蝙蝠”-9

5.4 Aesthetic Value Differences in “Lion” “Tiger” and “虎”-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:英汉中的动物词汇受各自的语言文化和习俗等因素的影响,其内涵意义存在着很大的差异。了解这些差异对于促进中西方的文化交流有着重要的意义。本文通过对实例的分析,来探讨英......
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