
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-18
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Ubiquitous learning becomes main stream among college students, especially for English learners. This case study employs questionnaire and group interview to collect data in a local normal university, puts forward the research questions and research methods, and analyzes the situation of English U-learning, including accesses to internet, contents, channels, time, places, lengths, sources, motivations, the effect of English U-learning and the existing barriers. The results show that English U-learning became one of effective assisting ways of classroom learning, like watching English news, chatting with foreign friends, practicing English for taking postgraduate entrance exams,  translation training, using e-dictionary on the smartphone, obtaining English grammar knowledge and so on. However, the effect is not so good as expected, of which the main reasons are: It is short of English online sources; The links of English materials are not reliable; Students have few intensive motivations to learn English; Advertisements and chatting windows disturb the thought of English learners, et cetera. In the end, suggestions are therefore given to improve the situation.


Key words: English U-learning; college students; smartphone; questionnaire; group interview





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Background of U-learning-1

1.2 Significance of this study-1

1.3 Structure of this thesis-3

2. Literature Review-3

2.1 Definition of U-learning-3

2.2 Relative study of U-learning-4

3. Methodology-6

3.1 Research questions-6

3.2 Participants-6

3.3 Instruments-7

4. Data Description-7

4.1 The key elements of U-learning-7

4.2 The effect obtained by English U-learning-11

4.3 Barriers existing in English U-learning-11

5. Discussion-12

5.1 Analysis of the current situation of English U-learning-13

5.2 Analysis of effect obtained by English U-learners-14

5.3 Analysis of existing barriers in English U-learning-15

5.4 Suggestions for English U-learning development-15

6. Conclusion-16

Works Cited-18


Appendix 1 Questionnaire-19

Appendix 2 Part questions and answers in group interview-22

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:以某地方高校为个案,运用问卷调查和小组访谈来收集数据,提出研究问题和研究方法,分析英语泛在学习的现状,包括联网方式,内容,渠道,时间地点,学习时长,来源和动机。还......
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