
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:龚老师 更新时间:2017-10-20
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Nowadays, American TV series are hotly broadcast, and various kinds of TV dramas enjoy good popularity among Chinese audiences. It’s more common to find the Chinese elements in them, all of which demonstrate that China is growing its presence on the international stage. It is also useful to reveal the understanding of Chinese images in American. The thesis is based on the studies of several kinds of Chinese elements in American TV series to mirror Chinese images in Americans’ eyes and analyze mutual effects left on both China and America. Under the background of cultural integration and cultural conflict, the thesis lists plenty of reasons to trace to the positive and distorted Chinese elements. It is still necessary for such an impressive country to maintain a positive image in cross-cultural communication. Then what measures can we take to improve the current image and promote the cultural impression is a question deserving thinking.


Keywords: American TV series; Chinese elements; cultural conflicts;     cross-cultural communication; measures





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Studies abroad-2

2.2 Studies at home-3

3. Chinese Elements in American TV Series-4

3.1 Use of Chinese language and characters-4

3.2 Affection for traditional Chinese culture-5

3.3 Images of Chinese people-6

4. Reasons for Chinese Elements -8

4.1 Political reasons-9

4.2 Economic reasons-9

4.3 Cultural reasons-10

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 龚老师 对本文的描述:本文展示了流行美剧中的部分中国形象元素存在现状,并对文化冲突和文化融合背景下造成这种理解的原因进行分析,同时调查了美剧中这种中国形象对美国及中国造成的影响,帮助人......
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