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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-14
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Abstract: Because of the rise of culture studies and globalization, intercultural learning has attracted much attention gradually. Culture teaching is of great significance in the process of foreign language learning and in foreign language classes. However, the common teaching mode in high school English Teaching in China is to take language knowledge as the center for a long time, only using traditional ways, but ignoring the necessity of cultivating intercultural learning ability. It is impossible to improve students’ English learning without cultivating their learning ability, which is also the direction of current English education reform. This thesis proposes that only to understand the connotation of language and culture, and to cultivate the intercultural learning ability, can students get a better future English learning, enabling students to master English. It is also essential for teachers to know. This paper finds that there remains many problems of learning ability cultivating in high school English education, students and teachers have not paid enough attention to training of ability.And in the paper, it proposed some efficient ways of English teaching.

Key words:intercultural learning ability;high school English teaching;culture teaching






2.Related Researches and Significance of Culture Teaching-1

  2.1 Related Researches-1

  2.2 Significance of Cultural Teaching-3

3. Problems of Cultivating Intercultural Learning Ability-4

  3.1 Lack of Intercultural Contents in Textbooks-4

  3.2 Students' Problems-5

  3.3 Teachers' Problems-5

4.Strategies of Cultivating Intercultural Learning Ability-6

  4.1 Suggestions to Textbooks Compilation and Selection-6

  4.2 Suggestions to Teachers-7

 4.2.1 Correct Teaching Philosophy-7

 4.2.2 Use of English Teaching Methods-7

  4.3 Suggestions to Students-8

 4.3.1 Cultural Awareness-8

 4.3.2 Autonoumous Learning-8

  4.4 Multiple Ways of Cultivating Intercultural Learning Ability-8

5. Conclusion.-9

Bibliography .10


上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:由于文化研究和全球化兴起,跨文化学习逐渐成为一个备受关注的话题。跨文化学习在外语教学过程中以及外语课堂中是重要的,而我国高中英语教学中普遍存在的教学模式却是长期以......
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