
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-14
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Abstract: Speech Act Theory is one of the most important theory of pragmatic. Firstly, the thesis makes an introduction from studies on speech act theory at home and abroad, the content of Pride and Prejudice and irony. Then, this thesis makes an analysis of irony in Pride and Prejudice which within the framework of Speech Act Theory. Through a detail analysis from the perspective of macro, the essay attempt to analyze the ironic speech act in expressing theme, building characters and organizing plots. While, from the micro perspective, the essay attempt to analyze conversation of the novel from assertives, directives, commissives and expressives. Through the research we can better understand the irony in Pride and Prejudice from the speech act perspective.

Key words: Pride and Prejudice; Irony; Speech Act





1. Introduction...1

2. Literature Review..2

2.1 Studies on Speech Act Theory at Home and Abroad- 

2.2 Introduction to Studies on Irony

2.3 Brief Introduction to Pride and Prejudice-

3. Analysis of Irony in Pride and Prejudice..4

3.1 Macro Ironic Speech Acts in Pride and Prejudice-

   3.1.1 Expressing the Theme in Terms of Irony

   3.1.2 Building Characters in Terms of Irony

   3.1.3 Organizing Plot and Language in Terms of Irony-

3.2 Micro Ironic Speech Acts in Pride and Prejudice-

   3.2.1 Assertive Irony 

3.2.2 Directive Irony

3.2.3 Commissive Irony

3.2.4 Expressive Irony

4. Conclusion12



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:言语行为理论是语言学重要的理论之一。本文首先分别介绍了言语行为在国内外的研究现况、《傲慢与偏见》以及反讽。其次,结合《傲慢与偏见》中的言语反讽的具体实例,本文从宏观......
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