
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Research Objective-1

1.2 Significance of This Research-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 Definitions of Terms-2

2.1.1 Definitions of Culture-2

2.1.2 Definitions of Humor-2

2.2 Functions of Humor-3

2.2.1 Amusement Function-3

2.2.2 Interpersonal Communication Function-3

2.3 Overseas Study-4

2.4 Domestic Study-4

Chapter Three The Contrastive Study on Humor Culture in Sino-US Talk Show-6

3.1 The Characteristics of Hosts-6

3.1.1 Dressing-6

3.1.2 Facial Expression and Body Language-6

3.1.3 Language-6

3.2 The Mechanism of Humor-7

3.2.1 The Daily Show-7

3.2.2 Mr. Zhou Libo Show-8

Chapter Four The Main Reasons of the Differences-9

4.1 Different Worldviews-9

4.2 Different Values-9

4.3 Different Thinking Mode-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-11




In recent years, with the development of globalization, exchanges between countries in the world are becoming more and more frequent. Different countries have different cultural backgrounds, so that the cultural conflict and collision are becoming more and more obvious. Humor in the West and the East is greatly different due to the different cultural backgrounds. Humor is not only a way of entertainment but also a special carrier of culture. This paper takes American and Chinese talk show as the research starting-point, and analyzes the definition and function of humor culture. In addition, this paper also compares the American and Chinese humor culture from dressing, facial expressions and body language, language of hosts so as to find out where the cultural differences are originated from. On this basis, it aims to make people gain wisdom from humor culture and understand the different manifestations of different cultures.Then, people can overcome cultural barriers and make a successful cross-culture communication.

Keywords: cross-culture  humor  talk show

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文选取中美访谈类脱口秀节目作为切入点,分析了幽默文化的定义与功用,并从中美脱口秀节目中主持人的穿着、面部表情和肢体语言以及语言等方面比较中美幽默文化,分析了产生......
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