
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background and Objective of This Study-1

1.2 Business Contract-1

1.3 The Structure of This Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Grammatical Metaphor and Nominalization-3

2.2 Previous Studies on Nominalization in Business English Contract-3

2.3 Previous Studies on Business English Contract Translation-4

Chapter Three Nominalization and Legal English-6

3.1 The Relationship between Nominalization and Legal English-6

3.2 The Function of Nominalization in Legal English Documents-6

3.2.1 Increasing the Amount of Information-6

3.2.2 Embodying the Formality-7

3.2.3 Highlighting the Theme and Achieving Textual Cohesion-7

Chapter Four The Application of Nominalization in C-E Translation in Business Contracts-9

4.1 Transforming Verb into Noun Structure-9

4.2 Transforming Adjectives into Noun Structure-10

4.3 Transforming Subject-Predicate Structure into Noun Structure-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-14

5.1 Findings-14

5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study-14




Legal documents is specialized in expressing the issues involved seriously and objectively. Its discourse is formal and highly stylized. There are more use of nominalization in the discourse. In this essay, the author discusses the use of translating from Chinese to English based on the nominalization according to business contract. The study shows that the use of nominalization has a close relationship with business contracts. And there are three ways to translate from Chinese to English, such as translating verbs into noun structure, translating adjectives into noun structure and translating subject-predicate structures into noun structure. The author hopes that this study can help people make better understanding of nominalization in business contracts to improve the quality of translation.


Keywords:  legal documents  business contract  nominalization  translation

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文以商务合同为例,探讨名词化结构在商务合同中汉译英的使用。研究表明名词化结构的使用和商务合同有着密切联系,翻译方法有动词译成名词结构,形容词译成名词结构和主谓结......
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