
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1Introduction to the Author-1

1.2Introduction to The Awakening-1

1.3Literature Review-2

1.4 The Composition of the Thesis-3

Chapter Two Symbolism-4

2.1 Theory of Symbolism-4

2.2 Reasons for Chopin Adopting Symbolism-4

Chapter Three The Diversity of Symbolic Elements in The Awakening-5

3.1 The Symbolic Meaning of Title-6

3.1.1 The Awakening of the Protagonist-6

3.1.2 The Awakening of the Author-7

3.2 The Symbolic Meaning of Localities-7

3.2.1 Grand Isle-7

3.2.2 The Sea-8

3.2.3 The House-8

3.3 The Symbolic Meaning of People and Objects-9

3.3.1 Women and Man-9

3.3.2 The Moon and the Sun-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11





Kate Chopin is known as a famous American woman writer at the end of the 19th century, whose masterpiece The Awakening is an important novel in early American feminist literature. The novel is mainly about a traditional female consciousness gradually awakening. In order to pursuit to individuality and freedom, Edna bravely ran away from home. As a result, she is no longer a slave or accessory of her husband and family, but in the end, she could not find identity consistent with her pursuit in the society and choose to give up her life.

 In The Awakening, Chopin employs a lot symbols to show women’s resistance against the tradition, the pursuit of self and the awakening of self. In order to deeply understand the significant thoughts of the novel and interpret the spiritual world of the characters, the paper will analyze the use of the symbols from diverse perspective, such as the symbolic meaning of the title, the symbolic meaningl of the localities and the symbolic meaning of the people and objects, to show the protagonist’s psychological predicament and self-awareness.


Keywords: The Awakening  Kate Chopin  symbolism

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:在小说《觉醒》中,肖邦用了很多象征意象来表达女性对传统的反抗,对自我的追求,以及自我意识的觉醒。本文旨在通过对作品中题目象征、地点象征、形象象征等多样性象征的运用......
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