
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction.1 

1.1 Introduction to Walt Whitman1 

1.2 Introduction to Emily Dickinson2

1.3 Literature Review.3

1.4 Thesis Structure3

Chapter Two Backgrounds of Their Immortality Poetry.5

2.1 Social Factors.5

2.2 Religious Factors5 

Chapter Three Comparison of Immortality in Their Poetry.7

3.1 Similarities under the Theme of Immortality.7

 3.1.1 Fear of Death.7

 3.1.2 Seeking for Freedom.9

3.2 Differences under the Theme of Immortality10

 3.2.1 Attitudes towards Life and Death.10

 3.2.2 Viewpoints towards Death and Immortality.12

Chapter Four Conclusion14





Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, are two of the most famous poets in America. Because of their outstanding contributions to poetry, their names are engraved in “American Poets’ corner” in the Cathedral of St. John in New York city. They are pioneers of American modern poetry. It is widely recognized that they inherited the characteristics of romanticism and created a precedent of modernism. In the writing skills, they responded positively to the literary independence USA, abandoned the traditional five step iambic, and created a new form. While living at the same time, and as traditional poetry innovators, their poetic styles and views about the theme of life and death are different. Whitman tends to sing high praise for life and death, and he thinks it a natural process; but to Dickinson life and death are painful but beautiful, because only when you experience the loneliness of life can you find its beauty, and only when you experience the pain of death can you walk to immortality.


Key words: Whitman  Dickinson  poetry  immortality

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:在写作技巧上,两人都积极响应美国的文学独立运动,抛弃了传统的五步抑扬格,创造出一种前所未有的形式。尽管生活在同一时代,且同为传统诗歌革新者,惠特曼与狄金森所作生死......
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