
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Face-saving Strategies-1

1.2 Reasons for the Present Study-1

1.3 Significance of the Study-1

1.4 Structure of This Thesis-2

Chapter Two Previous Studies on Face-saving Strategies-3

2.1 Face-saving Strategies in Political Speeches-3

2.2 Face-saving Strategies in Teachers’ Feedback-3

2.3 Face-saving Strategies in A Dream of Red Mansion-4

Chapter Three Face-saving Strategies in Monkey King: Hero Is Back-5

3.1 Introduction to Monkey King:Hero Is Back-5

3.2 Linguistic Strategies-5

3.2.1 Irrelevant Answers-5

3.2.2 White Lie-5

3.2.3 Compliment-6

3.3 Nonverbal Strategies-6

3.3.1 Body Language-7

3.3.2 Paralanguage-7

Chapter Four Face-saving strategies in Kungfu Panda-9

4.1 Introduction to Kungfu Panda-9

4.2 Linguistic Strategies-9

4.2.1 Straight Talk-9

4.2.2 Irrelevant Answers-9

4.2.3 Euphemism-10

4.2.4 Lengthy Statements-10

4.3 Nonverbal Strategies-11

Chapter Five Comparison of Chinese and American Face-saving Strategies-13

5.1 Similarities-13

5.1.1 Use of Irrelevant Answers-13

5.1.2 Use of Body Language-13

5.3 Differences-13

5.2.1 Use of Straight Talk in American Culture-13

5.2.2 Use of Compliment in Chinese Culture-14

5.2.3 Use of Paralanguage in Chinese Culture-14

5.4 Reasons for Differences-14

Chapter Six Conclusion-16

6.1 Findings-16

6.2 Suggestions for Further Study-16





The researches on face-saving strategies have been mainly carried out in political speeches, teachers’ feedback and the Chinese classical literature. While the comparative studies of face-saving strategies in Chinese and American culture are few. Based on the face theory, this thesis analyzes the similarities and differences of face-saving strategies between China and America on the basis of Monkey King: Hero is Back and Kungfu Panda. This thesis indicates that the Chinese often use irrelevant answers, white lies, compliments, body language and paralanguage to save face. While Americans often use strategies like irrelevant answers, straight talk, euphemism, lengthy statements and body language to maintain face. The similarities between the two countries are the use of irrelevant answers and body language. The differences lie in that the Americans tend to maintain their own face, while the Chinese tend to maintain the face of others. This is mainly because that the values and cultural background of China and the United States are different. This thesis can not only help people further understand the cultural differences between China and America but also help people get along with foreigners. Besides, it can also help people coordinate interpersonal relationships and achieve a harmonious communication.


Key words:  face theory  face-saving strategies  Monkey King:Hero is Back  Kungfu Panda  comparison

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文基于面子理论,以《大圣归来》和《功夫熊猫》为语料,对比分析了中美面子挽救策略。研究表明,中国经常使用答非所问、善意的谎言、恭维语和体态语等挽救面子;美国使用答......
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