
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Thesis Structure-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Cultural Turn in Translation-3

2.2 Previous Studies on Culture-loaded Words-3

2.3 Previous Studies on Translation of Teahouse-4

Chapter Three On Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Words in the English Versions of Teahouse-5

3.1 Culture-loaded Words in Teahouse-6

3.2 Domestication Adopted in the English Versions of Teahouse-7

   3.2.1 The Definition of Domestication7

   3.2.2 Domestication Adopted in the English Versions of Teahouse8

   3.3 Foreignization Adopted in the English Versions of Teahouse-8

3.3.1 The Definition of Foreignization8

3.3.2 Foreignization Adopted in the English Versions of Teahouse9

Chapter Four Conclusion10

4.1 Major Findings of the Study-10

4.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the Study-10





Culture-loaded words refer to those words, phrases and idioms that symbolize unique  things of a certain culture system and they directly reflect the specific practical activities of a nation accumulated through the long historical process. Teahouse is Lao She’s magnum opus and the culmination of his drama creation. The drama is based on the ups and downs of a large teahouse - Yutai teahouse in the old Beijing. Through the description of some characters in the Teahouse, it reflects the changes of Chinese society and the people’s miserable life in the last 50 years after the failure of the Wuxu Reform. Teahouse covers a lot of culture-loaded words, which are carrying the cultural connotations that are unique to China. It brings a great barrier to translators. In this paper, the author tends to analyze the translation strategies adopted by the two translators, Ying Ruocheng and Howard, during handling the cultural-loaded words.


Key words:  translation strategies; Teahouse; cultural-load words 

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:《茶馆》是老舍先生的一部经典作品,该戏剧以老北京的一个大型茶馆-裕泰茶馆的兴衰变迁做为背景,通过对茶馆中的一些人物的描述,反映了清末戊戌变法失败后50年来中国社会的巨......
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