
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Alice Munro-1

1.2 Introduction to Runaway-2

1.3 Research Status of Runaway-2

1.4 Thesis Structure-3

Chapter Two Initiation Novel-4

2.1 Definition and Characteristics of Initiation Novel-4

2.2 Development and Influence of Initiation Novel-4

Chapter Three Carla’s Growth Process-6

3.1 Obedience-6

3.1.1 Obedience to Her Parents-6

3.1.2 Obedience to Her Husband-6

3.2 Struggle-7

3.3 Escape-8

3.3.1 Escape From Her Parents-8

3.3.2 Escape From Her Husband-8

3.4 Return-9

3.4.1 Reasons for Return-9

3.4.2 Changes after Return-9

3.5 Epiphany and Growth-10

3.5.1 Awakening Feminist Consciousness-10

3.5.2 Pursuit of Independence-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-12





Alice Munro is one of the most famous female writers in Canada. She, known as the “Chekhov of Canada”, is famous around the world because of her short stories and she won the Nobel prize for literature in 2013. Munro completed Runaway, a collection of short stories, in 2004, which helped her win the Giller prize for the second time. As the first short story in this book, “Runaway” tells the two escapes of the heroine Carla. The first was to escape from her parents, eloping with Clark. For the second time, she fled again because she was unable to bear her husband’s hegemony. However, Carla didn’t finish her second escape eventually. Through the description of Carla’s real life and the underlying intrinsic motivation, it visually and concretely shows Carla’s complex inner changes and the growth of her female consciousness.

Many experts and scholars at home and abroad have studied the story from many angles, such as theme connotation, narrative strategy, archetypal criticism and structuralism, but few scholars study the theme of female growth in the story. On the basis of previous studies, this thesis will explore the mental and spiritual growth of the heroine with the theory of initiation novel, focusing on the germination and awakening of her female consciousness, so as to discuss the thought of women’s growth and maturity.


Keywords: “Runaway”; initiation; novel; women; growth

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:国内外很多专家和学者都从主题内涵、叙事策略、原型批评、结构主义等方面对小说做了多角度地研究,但鲜有学者研究小说中的女性成长主题。本文将在前人研究的基础上,运用成长......
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