
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter-1

1.2 Wu Cheng’en and Journey to the West-1

1.3 Research Status of Harry Potter and Journey to the West-2

1.4 Thesis Structure-2

Chapter Two Heroism-4

2.1 Heroism in the West-4

2.2 Heroism in China-4

Chapter Three Characterization of Heroes in Harry Potter and Journey to the West-6

3.1 Similarities between Harry Potter and Sun Wukong-6

3.1.1 Persistence-6

3.1.2 Courage-7

3.1.3 Spirit of Freedom-8

3.2 Differences between Harry Potter and Sun Wukong-8

3.2.1 Birth and Mission-8

3.2.2 Growth Experience-9

3.2.3 Final Ending-10

Chapter Four Cultural Interpretation of Different Heroism between the West and China-11

4.1 Different Concepts about Destiny-11

4.2 Different Moral Values-12

4.3 Humanism Vs. Theocentricism-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-14





Heroism is a reflection of the ideals in the course of the evolution of civilization. Heroes composed in Chinese and western literary works, to some degree, reflect heroism values of different nationalities. Harry Potter and Journey to the West create two different heroic images— Harry Potter and Sun Wukong, who represent heroism between the west and China. In the process of birth and growth, they have similar and different experiences, which makes the heroism they represent unique.

Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars have studied the magical culture in Harry Potter and film adaptation of Journey to the West, but few of them pay attention to comparative study on heroism. On the basis of previous studies, this topic will focus on the heroes of these two film and television programs—Harry Potter and Sun Wukong. It is going to compare the similarities and differences between the two heroes in their birth and experience and two different kinds of heroism. All in all, it will focus on the differences of heroism between the west and China in terms of cultural interpretations, emotional concepts and moral values.


Keywords: Harry Potter; Journey to the West; heroism

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:国内外许多专家学者都分别研究了《哈利·波特》中的魔幻文化以及《西游记》的影视改编,但很少有学者将这两部作品中的英雄观进行对比研究。在前人研究的基础上,本文将聚焦于这......
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