
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Margaret Mitchell-1

1.2 A Brief Introduction to Gone with the Wind-2

1.3 Research Status of Gone with the Wind-2

1.4 Thesis Structure-3

Chapter Two Ecofeminism-4

2.1 The Origin and Development of Ecofeminism-4

2.2 Definition of Ecofeminism-5

2.3 Features of Ecofeminism-5

Chapter Three Interconnection between Women and Nature-7

3.1 Feminized Nature and Naturalized Women-7

3.1.1 Feminized Land-7

3.1.2 Naturalized Scarlett and Melanie-8

3.2 Similarities between Women and Nature-9

3.2.1 Similar Experience-9

3.2.2 Similar Status-10

Chapter Four The Awakening of Ecofeminist Consciousness-12

4.1 Fight for the Equal Rights between Men and Women-12

4.2 Pursuit of Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature-13

Chapter Five Conclusion-14





Gone with the Wind is the representative work and also the sole book written by Margaret Mitchell. She is a famous American female writer and the winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The work portrays the customs, minds and political attitudes of people during the American Civil War. The heroine Scarlett is one of the most persuasive women. By telling her life and love experience, the novel successfully reproduces the social life of that time. 

Female and nature in Gone with the Wind are closely linked. They rely on each other. The circumspection of women makes them become the patron saint of nature, and nature is the silent harbour of women. Through the specific analysis of the relationship between women and nature, the paper uses the theory of ecofeminism to reveal women’s disillusionment when facing trouble, and finally to express people’s sincere hopes to build a harmonious society between human and nature.


Keywords:  Gone with the Wind;  Margaret Mitchell;  ecofeminism

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:《飘》中的女性和自然是密切相连的。两者相互寄托与依靠。女性的细心使她们成为自然的守护者,而自然又是女性寂静的港湾。本文通过具体分析《飘》中女性与自然的联系,从生态......
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