
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background of This Study-1

1.2 The Significance of This Study-1

1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Previous Study on the Subtitle Translation-3

2.2 Studies on Translation Ethics-3

Chapter Three Over-nativized Rewriting in Subtitle Translation -6

3.1 Introduction of Rewriting-6

3.2 Current Situations on Over-nativized Rewriting-6

3.3 Expression Forms of Over-nativized Rewriting in Subtitle Translation-7

3.3.1 Chinese Cultural Background Translation-7

3.3.2 Entertainment Rewriting Translation-9

Chapter Four Conclusion-11

4.1 Major Findings of the Research-11

4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for the Research-11





Translation is a social and functional activity of human beings, and it is the subjective activity of translators because the author’s original intention is represented in the form of the target text, thus making a close relationship among the original author, the source text, the translators, the translation and the users. At present, it is generally believed that owing to human activities, there exists the relationship among people, at the same time, the existence of ethics is functioning. Ethics will play an important role not only in human life, but also in translation process. 

Today, with the development of globalization, it is very important to combine faithful translation ethics with localization. In recent years, there is a popular trend that a great number of foreign films are introduced into China. In order to attract a large number of audience coming into the cinema to enjoy the films, professional subtitle translation is necessary. However, this tendency causes so-called “Chinese style” translation. This kind of profitable subtitle translation results in different qualities of subtitle translation. Some of them are masterpieces, while others are potboilers. Whether it is appropriate or not, there is a tendency to be over-nativized rewriting. Therefore, this thesis aims to study over-nativized rewriting in current dubbed films under the guidance of translation ethics.  


Keywords:  over-nativized rewriting  subtitle translation  translation ethics

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:为吸引广大观众第一时间走进影院欣赏作品,专业的字幕翻译必不可少。然而,这就产生了不少带有所谓的“中国风”的特色翻译。这种盈利性的字幕翻译导致字幕翻译质量参差不齐。......
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