
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background and Significance of the Thesis-1

1.2 The Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 An Introduction to English Business Contracts-2

2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of English Business Contracts-3

2.3 Introduction to Contextual Adaptability Theory-4

Chapter Three Contextual Adaptability in the Translation of English Business Contracts-6

3.1 Communicative Contextual Adaptability in the E-C Translation of Business Contract-6

3.1.1 Adaptability to Language User in Translation-6

3.1.2 Adaptability to Social World in Translation-6

3.1.3 Adaptability to Physical World in Translation-8

3.1.4 Adaptability to Mental World in Translation-8

3.2 Linguistic Contextual Adaptability in the Translation of English Business Contract-9

3.2.1 Adaptability to Cohesion in Translation-9

3.2.2 Adaptability to Intertextuality in Translation-10

3.2.3 Adaptability to Sequencing in Translation-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12





As globalization developing, the international trade cooperation becomes more frequent. Thus, the translation of business contracts is vital. This paper analyzes the E-C translation of business contracts guided by contextual adaptability theory. Contextual adaptability can be divided into two aspects: the adaptation to communicative context and linguistic context. Communicative context is made up of the mental world, the social world, language user and the physical world; linguistic context contains cohesion, intertextuality and sequencing. The E-C translation of business contract should be in line with the adaptation to communicative context and linguistic context so as to avoid pragmatic mistakes and effectively guarantee the interests of both parties. In short, the research on the E-C translation of English business contracts guided by contextual adaptability theory can promote the communication and cooperation with both parties.


Keywords:  contextual adaptability theory  business contracts  communicative context   linguistic context

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文从维索尔的语境顺应论的角度研究英语商务合同的汉译。语境顺应论包括交际语境顺应和语言语境顺应。交际语境的顺应包含心理世界、社交世界、语言使用者以及物理世界这四方......
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