
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Research Significance-1

1.2 Sino-US Cultural Differences-1

1.3 Research Status-2

1.4 Thesis Structure-2

Chapter Two Cultural Factors that Influence Negotiation-3

2.1 Low-context vs. High-context-3

2.2 Individualism vs. Collectivism-3

2.3 Egalitarianism vs. Hierarchy-4

Chapter Three Impact of Cultural Factors on Negotiation-5

3.1 Different Understandings of Negotiation-5

3.2 Makeup of Negotiation Team-5

3.3 Pace of Negotiation Process-6

3.4 Decision-making System-6

3.5 Forms of Agreement-6

Chapter Four Countermeasures in Sino-US Negotiation-8

4.1 Enhancing Self-awareness-8

4.2 Learning the Counterpart’s Culture-8

4.3 Showing Respect for the Counterpart’s Culture-9

4.4 Bridging the Culture Gap-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-11





Along with the economical globalization advancement speeding up, business negotiation between Chinese and American companies becomes more frequent. So it’s so important to understand the cultural differences between China and US and reduce the impacts on Sino-US business negotiation. Sino-US business negotiation is important in the international business activities. However, there are many problems in the communication due to cultural differences. Therefore, we must deeply understand the influence of cultural differences, and then we can know the reasons of the conflicts and come up with the countermeasures so as to create a win-win situation eventually. Thus, this paper has practical significance on studying the impacts of cultural differences and finding ways to solve it.

    Considering the current situation, this paper analyzes the cultural differences between China and America and its impacts on negotiations. It also puts forward some suggestions, hoping to provide important guidance for cultural differences in Sino-US business negotiations.-


Keywords: Sino-US business; negotiation cultural differences; countermeasures

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:由于文化差异,国际商务谈判复杂多变,我们必须了解和认识商务谈判时文化差异带来的影响,理清双方冲突的原因并且掌握化解冲突的策略,才能最终达到双赢。由此可见,研究文化......
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