
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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1 Introduction.1

1.1 Research Background.1

1.2 Significance of the Study .2

  1.3 Framework of the Study 2

2 Literature Review .3

2.1 Researches on Speech Act Theory at Home and Abroad3

  2.2 Irony3

  2.3 Connection Between Irony and Speech Act Theory.4

3 Analysis of Irony in Pride and Prejudice Based on Speech Act Theory6

  3.1 Macro Ironic Speech Acts6

 3.1.1Literal Irony6

 3.1.2 Structural Irony8

  3.2 Micro Ironic Speech Acts.9 

3.2.1 Directive Irony.9

3.2.2 Commissive Irony10

3.2.3 Expressive Irony11

3.2.4 Assertive Irony.12

4 Conclusion14





Speech Act Theory is one of the most important theories of pragmatics that has developed over half a century. The formation of theoretical system plays an important role in promoting the development of pragmatics. Because of the importance of the theory itself, it has become one of the hot spots of research, and has been successfully applied to literary criticism, making a significant contribution to the formation of new interdisciplinary literature pragmatics. Practice has proved that it has a strong value of application in literary criticism and the analysis of pragmatic principles can be a good explanation of the phenomenon of literary language. And connotation can help people understand the theoretical significance and literary works better.

Irony is one of the most prominent features of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. However, in the field of Austen’s literature research, most former scholars criticized the satire art of Pride and Prejudice, most of which focused on the author herself or her works of thought and literature. Since Austin spent a lot of time refining her language, we should not ignore her language skills when we study works. The purpose of this study is to study the irony and analysis in the novels from Austin’s and Searle’s speech act theory, which can be based on the new perspective of satirical art appreciation in novels. On the other hand, prove the feasibility of Speech Act Theory in literary research.

Keywords  speech act theory  irony  macro ironic speech acts  micro ironic speech acts

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:反讽是奥斯汀《傲慢和偏见》最突出的特征之一。然而,在奥斯丁文学研究领域,大多数以前的学者批评了《傲慢和偏见》的讽刺艺术,其中大多数着重于作者自己或他的作品的思想和......
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