
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Amy Tan-1

1.2 A Brief Introduction to The Bonesetter’s Daughter-2

1.3 Research Status of The Bonesetter’s Daughter-2

1.4 The Composition of the Thesis-4

Chapter Two Cultural Conflicts in The Bonesetter’s Daughter-5

2.1 Language Conflicts-5

2.1.1 Language Barriers-5

2.1.2 Direct and Indirect Verbal Interaction Styles-5

2.2 World Outlook Conflicts-6

2.2.1 Individualism and Collectivism-6

2.2.2 Ethnocentrism-7

2.3 Value Conflicts-7

2.3.1 Views on Family-7

2.3.2 Views on Marriage-8

Chapter Three Cultural Integration in The Bonesetter’s Daughter-10

3.1 Cultural Integration Between Chinese and Western Cultures-10

3.1.1 Amicable Settlement of Mother-daughter Relationship-10

3.1.2 Amicable Settlement of Ruth and Her Boyfriend’s Relationship-10

3.2 Factors Leading to the Cultural Integration-11

3.2.1 Cultural Complementation of Chinese and Western Cultures-11

3.2.2 Social and Family Need-12

Chapter Four Conclusion-14





  With the acceleration of globalization, cross-cultural communication among countries are becoming more frequently. Cultural conflicts are inevitable because of the unique culture of each country. According to the intercultural communication theory, culture plays a significant role in cross-cultural communication. Under the guidance of native culture, communication among people from different cultural backgrounds can be rather complex, which may even lead to conflicts.

    The Bonesetter’s Daughter is the fourth novel that written by Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer. Experiences between Ruth and her mother are exact reflection of confusion about their different identities and cultures in the intercultural communications. However, with their joint efforts to respect and understand each other, they reached the amicable culture integration in the end. This paper aims at analyzing the conflicts and integration between Chinese and Western cultures from the perspective of intercultural communication. When dealing with different cultures, communication, understanding, tolerance and respect are the only ways to promote cultural coexistence and mutual development.  


Keywords:  The Bonesetter’s Daughter; intercultural communication; cultural conflicts; cultural integration

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:《接骨师之女》是美国华裔女作家第四部长篇小说,小说中露丝和母亲茹灵发生的故事体现了跨文化交际中对不同身份和不同文化的困惑,但最终在两代人相互理解、宽容的共同努力下......
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