
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction of Talk Show-1

1.1.1 Brief Introduction of Chinese Talk Show-1

1.1.2 Brief Introduction of English Talk Show-2

1.2 Introduction of Jinxing Show and Ellen Show-2

1.2.1 Introduction of Jinxing Show-3

1.2.2 Introduction of Ellen Show-3

1.3 Literature Review-4

1.4 Thesis Structure-4

Chapter Two Language Differences of Hosts in Jinxing Show and Ellen Show-5

2.1 Differences in Verbal Humor-5

2.1.1 Verbal Humor in Ellen Show-5

2.1.2 Verbal Humor in Jinxing Show-7

2.2 Differences in Topic Discussion-8

2.2.1 Topics on Leisure and Entertainment-8

2.2.2 Topics on Social Issues-9

2.2.3 Topics on Education-10

2.3 Differences in Hosting Style-11

Chapter Three Reasons for the Language Differences-12

3.1 Differences in History and Cultural Backgrounds-12

3.1.1 Differences in History-12

3.1.2 Differences in Cultural Backgrounds-12

3.2 Differences in Thought Patterns-13

3.3 Differences in Personal Experiences-13

Chapter Four Conclusion-15





This paper mainly analyzes the language differences of hosts in Chinese and English talk show programs. Taking the Chinese and English talk show - Jinxing show and Ellen show - as the case, it makes a brief introduction to the development of the Chinese and English talk show, and compares the language differences of the show host. As for differences in hosting language, this paper further analyzes the differences in verbal humor, topic discussion and hosting style. At the same time, the author also has carried on a systematic analysis on the reasons of the differences, from the historical and cultural background to the thought patterns, and to personal experience. Although there are differences between China and the Western, they can learn from each other and promote their own development.


Keywords: talk show  language differences  Jinxing show  Ellen show

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文着重分析中英脱口秀节目中主持人语言的差异,并以中文以及英文的脱口秀节目-金星秀和艾伦秀-为对比,简要叙述了中英脱口秀节目各自的发展历程,比较了脱口秀节目主持人的语......
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