
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Introduction to Skopos Theory-3

2.2 Previous Studies on Food Instruction Translation-4

Chapter Three Analysis on C-E Translation of Food Instruction-5

3.1 Comparison between Chinese and Western Food Instruction-5

3.2 Purposes of Food Instruction Translation-5

3.3 Translation Mistakes of Food Instruction-5

3.3.1 Cultural Translation Mistakes-6

  3.3.2 Language Translation Mistakes-6

3.4 Translation Methods-7

 3.4.1 Ampilification-7

 3.4.2 Omission-9

 3.4.3 Borrowing-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11





With the integration of global economy, especially after China joins the Word Trade Organization, more and more China’s products enter into foreign markets and English instructions of these products become more necessary. English instructions with good quality can not only provide foreign customers with information about a certain product but also increase the customer’s satisfaction and favor to Chinese products. Besides, it can improve the image of Chinese enterprises. Food instruction is a literary form which is practical and full of business value. If the translator only complies with the traditional translation principle and obeys the format and content of the original text, the translated version may not achieve the expected result and even leads to the failure of the sales. Nowadays, there still exist many problems in food instructions translation, and the research on it still can’t satisfy the need of people.

This article discusses the translation of food instructions with abundant examples from the perspective of German skopos theory. The writer proposes several translation methods as amplification, omission, and borrowing, hoping to offer some help for Chinese food to enter the international market. 


Keywords: food instruction translation;skopos theory;C-E translation

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:食品说明书是一种极具实用性和商业价值的文本,如果按照传统翻译理论的要求,一味地遵守原文的格式和内容,译文很可能达不到预期的效果,有时甚至会导致产品销售的失败。目前......
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