
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-22
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background-1

1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Thesis-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 A Brief Introduction to Speech Act Theory-3

2.1.1 Austin’s Speech Act Theory-3

2.1.2 Searle’s Speech Act Theory-4

2.2 Overview of Previous Studies-5

2.2.1 Previous Studies on the Inspirational Speeches-5

2.2.2 Previous Studies on Illocutionary Acts-6

Chapter Three A Study on Illocutionary Acts of English Inspirational Speeches-8

3.1 Public Speeches-8

3.2 English Inspirational Speeches-8

3.3 Chief Illocutionary Acts and Their Realizations in English Inspirational Speeches-8

3.3.1 Directives and Their Realizations-9

3.3.2 Commissives and Their Realizations-10

3.3.3 Declarations and Their Realizations-11

3.3.4 Expressives and Their Realizations-11

3.3.5 Assertives and Theirs Realizations-13

Chapter Four Conclusion-15

4.1 Major Findings and Limitations-15

4.2 Suggestions for Further Research-15





As a part of public speech, English inspirational speech has its unique linguistic style and undertakes its great expectation and wishes for all English learners. At the very beginning of 20th century, the study of public speech came to its peak. However, most of this kind of studies concentrated on political and economical speeches and few of them gave attention to the English Inspirational Speech. Therefore, it is meaningful to carry out such a study on illocutionary acts of English Inspirational Speech to prove the realization of Speech Act Theory in English Inspirational Speech and discuss its influence on English learners.

Key words:  English inspirational speech; Speech Act Theory; illocutionary acts

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:此类分析研究主要集中在政治类、经济类等语篇,对英语励志演讲语篇的研究可谓是屈指可数。因此,本文从言语行为理论(以言外行为视角为主)对英语励志演讲进行分析和研究,探......
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