
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract:All over the world well-known enterprises from Europe and the United States are taking the most part of global profit by their elegant, high tech and fashionable brand images. There are many elements for marketing a high grade brand image and products design is one of the most important elements for it. In this dissertation, I will argue on how products design promotes high grade brand image building deeply. There is no doubt that Apple, Inc. has look-ahead comprehension for products design and their look-ahead products design can be the silent spokesman of brand image. Apple, Inc. creates huge profit by their miracle products with higher social appreciation whose management practice impress us so much. Finally, I will talk about the developing situation of Chinese enterprises whose products design and brand strategies need to be reinforced so much and point out what value and effect does products design work on brand image promoting. At the same time, under the globalization, the way how to promote their brand image by designing a elegant, high tech and fashionable products and seeking for the most part of global profit is the most important thing that Chinese enterprises need to figure out in a short time.

Key words: brand image; products design; Smiling Curve; Apple model



关键字: 品牌形象;产品设计;微笑曲线;苹果模式


上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:All over the world well-known enterprises from Europe and the United States are taking the most part of global profit by their elegant, high tech and fashionable brand images. There are many elements for marketing a high grade brand image an......
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