
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract:Along with the development and maturity of theories on translation, a growing interest among translators has emerged to explore the untranslatability in translation. Translators gradually begin to explore the translation limitations from the aspects of the language itself and different cultural origins. The translation of idioms has also been one of the research interests in studies of translation. Some color idioms from Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English are collected and analyzed in detail to explore the untranslatability and the reasons that cause untranslatability based on Catford’s translation theory. The present study analyzes the cultural untranslatability and the reasons that cause cultural untranslatability in English to Chinese color idioms translation. It is hoped that this study will benefit translators who study and translate English idioms and give inspirations to them.

Key Words: color idiom;Catford’s translation theory;untranslatability;cultural untranslatability





上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:Along with the development and maturity of theories on translation, a growing interest among translators has emerged to explore the untranslatability in translation. Translators gradually begin to explore the translation limitations from the......
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