
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-02
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Abstract:Nowadays, as the world economy is developing and global communication is increasing faster than ever, brand as a company image as well as its products and services, plays a more significant role in market competition and becomes an integral part of our daily life. Chinese Time-honored Brand, which has the distinct Chinese traditional culture, not only transmits long-established economic information, but also carries social, historical and psychological characteristics. To promote the sales of Chinese goods in foreign markets, the translation of Chinese Time-honored Brands is not only necessary but urgent. 

   Based on the previous studies on Chinese Time-honored Brands, the paper tries to interpret the translation of the Chinese Time-honored Brand names from the perspective of Adaptation Theory. According to Adaptation Theory, brand name translation is a linguistic choice mainly to adapt to the communicative context including the target cultural context and the target customers’ psychology so as to realize the ultimate target of promotion. 

   This thesis contains the study of linguistics, culture and psychology, which provides for seeking a more thorough and extensive understanding of brand name translation from a cross-subject angle. In addition, it also helps to spread the culture and history of China.

Key Words:Brand; Chinese Time-honored Brand; Adaptation Theory; translation







上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:Based on the previous studies on Chinese Time-honored Brands, the paper tries to interpret the translation of the Chinese Time-honored Brand names from the perspective of Adaptation Theory. According to Adaptation Theory, brand name translat......
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