
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-04
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Abstract:This research paper analyses the cause of pride and prejudice referred to in Jane Austen’s masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice and decorated by some psychological theory. The formation of pride could be accounted on the following: first, the possessor’ pleasing “possession” he or she owns which is worth of being proud of; and one’s character is also no exception involved; second, the prejudiced attitude to others; third, the surroundings’ effect and manner to them, others’ flattery, for instance, could lead to one’s self-importance stereotype. As for the factors of being prejudged, a negative attitude toward certain real or imagined characteristics of a person; the authoritarian personality rooted from self-esteem and anti-intraception lead its owner to a stereotypical way of thinking others and the world. Their attitudes are often limited and unfair; in addition, the excess or deficiency of information all could be the seed of prejudice. There actually have similarity and bonds between pride and prejudice. In some cases it is clearly stereotype is the source of conceitedness; while in other cases arrogance in return develops the wrong judgment. The aim of this statement is not only reveal the relation between pride and prejudice but also be conscious of them and avoid them as possible in our daily life premise on an ample understanding of them. 

Key words: the causes of pride, the causes of prejudice, Pride and Prejudice, literature.





上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:In some cases it is clearly stereotype is the source of conceitedness; while in other cases arrogance in return develops the wrong judgment. The aim of this statement is not only reveal the relation between pride and prejudice but also be co......
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