
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-10
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Abstract:This thesis studies the conceptual metaphors of love and explores the similar and different central conceptual metaphors in English and Chinese from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. By analyzing and comparing a large number of love metaphors, this thesis finds that there are a lot of similar conceptual metaphors of love between English and Chinese. And this finding reinforces the contemporary conceptual metaphor theory in the sense of proofing that the similarity of love metaphors in both languages is the result of the common experiential basis of human being. While the differences result from the influence of different cultural factors including the Bible, the Yin and Yang Theory, the Buddhism and the agriculture culture. The findings of this thesis can be applied to the fields of English teaching and cross-cultural communication.

Key Words:Love; conceptual metaphor; cognitive linguistics; culture





上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:This thesis studies the conceptual metaphors of love and explores the similar and different central conceptual metaphors in English and Chinese from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. By analyzing and comparing a large number of love ......
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