
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:英语老师 更新时间:2013-08-25
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Abstract:In society, the influence of media is significant. Newspaper is one of the most traditional media that maintain substantial readers. In the UK, newspapers can be classified into three types, national senior newspaper, tabloid newspaper and local newspaper. In order to improve the appealing power of news and reports, newspapers will try all means, such as to be negative, unpredictable or noticeable etc.. The objective of this case study is to verify the concept that the newspaper language should always be neutral. Therefore this study focuses on the text reproduction and ideological construction in discourse analysis of scare story reports in UK newspaper. Based on the literature about discourse practice, news values or bias in standpoints, a analytical framework has been set up. The news about nuclear fears is chosen as a case study to test whether the language features such as negative, exaggerative and distortive are frequently used in the scare stories. 

Key Words: discourse analysis; Nuclear fears; text reproduction; ideological construction; scare story; language features





上传会员 英语老师 对本文的描述:Based on the literature about discourse practice, news values or bias in standpoints, a analytical framework has been set up. The news about nuclear fears is chosen as a case study to test whether the language features such as negative, exag......
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