
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-19
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Abstract:This thesis first gives a brief review of business English research at home and abroad,applying functional equivalence and cross-cultural context to find out shortcomings of those researches and pointing out the significance of business English translation. After analyzing business English feature, it shows common pragmatic problems in business English translation and puts forward the idea of translating by combining functional equivalence and pragmatic principles (politeness principle and cooperation principle). It finally elaborates how the three methods of translation skills (i.e. lexical translation skills, syntactic translation skill, discourse translation skill) are applied in translation. 

Keywords: Business English, transition, cultural context, functional equivalence.





  Business English is a vital tool for people’s international activities. It is cross-cultural language communication, which cannot be without a specific language- cultural context. General speaking, language-cultural context includes three types of environments: (1) language context, which refers to the context of an article or a conversation; (2) coexistence of the social environment of communication, namely, the words used by the speaker and listener to understand the objective environment, such as the location of business communication, the identities, statuses and relationship, backgrounds of the two sides of business; (3) their cognitive environments, that is, their different experiences, knowledge and so on. From another point of view, the context can be divided into two parts: linguistic knowledge and cultural knowledge. Many factors in culture effect understanding and expression on both sides, and will play an irreplaceable role in success in business. Though business English evolves from normal English, many words and phrases in business English are given new meanings. To accurately grasp their meanings, it is indispensable to put the words in a proper context to facilitate understanding.

上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:Business English context determines the effect of its pragmatics. After this introduction and analysis, we cannot emphasize the role of the functional equivalence theory in guiding business English translation too much. In the real process o......
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