
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-21
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Abstract:In recent years, researchers have found the great importance of Schema Theory in English learning, especially to the listening supports in improving listening comprehension. Accordingly, various studies on listening supports have been evoked both in the foreign countries and in China. Nevertheless, most of these studies focused their attention mainly on postgraduates. Therefore, this article specifies the training effect of introduction of background knowledge and pre-introduction of the associated vocabulary in listening comprehension on college students。 

   In this study, I first carried out our training experiment of listening supports on the chosen subjects, and then I did a pre-test to look into the current situation concerning their listening comprehension. At the end of the training, I did a final test and finished a questionnaire. Through the tests and the questionnaire, I found out that these two kinds of listening supports helped students in improving listening comprehension and students prefered to the introduction of background information.I hope that this study will shed some insights on the listening supports teaching and autonomous learning in college. 

Key words: schema theory; listening support; listening education






上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:In this study, I first carried out our training experiment of listening supports on the chosen subjects, and then I did a pre-test to look into the current situation concerning their listening comprehension. At the end of the training, I did......
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