
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-27
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关键词: 文化对比;电影叙事;电影美学


Abstract:The movie " Lust, Caution" is acted by Chinese renowned Director Ang Lee  according to the Zhang Ailing novel reorganization of the same name, the movie " Original sin " is acted by American renowned Director Michael Christopher according to the tan oak Nair's novel " waltz in dark" reorganizes. Both of them are reorganized by way of the novel , actually have entrusted similarly with the new life and the significance by movie's form. These two works are quite similar in the plot, narrated a beautiful woman to the audience stemming from some kind of goal, but close man, because has fallen in love with that man finally, thus gives up own original intention. At first sight same two movies, actually China and the West culture's difference causes them, regardless of being photographs the technique or the cultural consciousness aspect has the big discrepancy, has the movie to two different cultural contexts  comparied, is mainly to analyze China and the West culture characteristic which in the movie thought and the elaboration movie manifests.

Key words :   Cultural contrast    The movie narrates    Esthetics of film




上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:本文从中西两部电影形成的文化背景与基础入手,以叙事风格、人物角色和文化意识三个部分来说明中西文化的不同之处,并由此引导出对于两种不同民族精神的探讨。其中人物角色部......
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