
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-06
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Abstract:Chinese opera has a long history, profound, opera tune performance theory in the continuous development has accumulated a wealth of professional skills, through the ages artists have formed a set sum of arts system. In our national system of establishment and development of vocal music, traditional opera given to the development of national vocal music rich nourishment and opera performances in the articulation, Yun Bai, body, voice and other training on the national vocal learning has a significant impact, because they are The same national language as the foundation of the different forms of singing. To this end, learning folk singing voice of students in the basic method of establishing the future, learn some opera arias to implement their own rich voice and tone of the performance modeling ability is an effective force. The study of opera and vocal music teaching and national practice, will promote the traditional opera and modern music culture, communication, and promote the development of national vocal music.

Key words:opera performance; vocal; Significant impact




上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:中国戏曲博大精深,戏曲的表演理论在长期的历史发展中积累了丰富的专业理论和演唱技巧,经过历代艺术家的艺术实践和不断总结后已形成一整套艺术体系。本文将结合自己的学习实......
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