
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-06
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关键词:音乐剧;  主题曲;  重要性


Abstract:A good musical, often have a nice theme song. I am writing the theme music the musical interpretation and analysis done. The article cited many examples of domestic and international musical, the musical highlight the importance of the topic and music, and pointed out that the Chinese musical weaknesses, the development of China's contribution to the musical meager forces. As long as we are concerned about the musical, and keen to contribute to the development of the musical, which will usher in prosperity in the Chinese musical in the spring. This paper describes the musical and the musical theme music complement each other, and then analyzes the theme song for the creation of the musical point of view. Then illustrates the importance of the musical theme music and musical development in China is given some advice, not only to see the musical development of the Chinese situation, also saw the development of China's musical future.

Key words:Musical;   Theme song:    Importance




上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本文首先讲述了音乐剧与音乐剧主题音乐的相辅相成,然后分析了音乐剧主题曲的创作角度。接着举例说明了音乐剧主题音乐的重要性,并为中国音乐剧的发展给出了一点建议,既看到......
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