
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-06
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Abstract:Emotion is the effect of any sound quality, facial motions singers sing the important factors and the effect of singers to sing, to improve the overall consciousness of singing voice, with emotional expression simultaneously, sounds, words, affection become one, get the soul singers habits, and in singing through art imagination to create infinite variety of aesthetic images and profound artistic conception, such ability do in performing accurately songs emotion. Express emotion is an important characteristic of vocal music, but also the soul singers. In training and perform, sung singers to work reasonable and appropriate to creation, will the traditional inspiratory voice training and works to express emotions combine, and through the perfect tone to performance, this is singing in the effective way emotional expression. This paper combines many predecessors' research results and singing for summarizing the experience, how to perfect singing to express emotions further discussed. 

Keyword:Emotional processing、2 degrees creation、Art imagination and processing 、Performing skills


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:论文研究和撰写过程中,笔者自身的能力得到了提升和总结归纳,并且补充了相应的理论知识基础和更为科学的理论方法,相信,这篇论文的读者也能在阅读中得到相应的收获,成为一......
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