
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-14
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【Abstract】: Christian and Christian music in the village of Huang Chuan of Lianyungang city development is undoubtedly of late, but since it was born in Huang Chuan, has been in development, time is short, but the hearts, respected. Through the understanding of Christian music arts in China to further study how to let more people know about Christian music, and its agriculture is what · · ·

   At present, for little on Christianity in China, and Chinese folk (country) records of Christian music activities are significantly less. This project's purpose is to provide research material, is more important for the development of Christian music in the country provide a broader space.     I using field research methods to analysis.

【Keywords】: Christian music; country Christian music; Chinese Christian music;

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:中国基督教音乐起源于公元7世纪。虽然基督教聂斯托里派教会第一次传入中国的努力以失败而告终,但它在中国北部西北部边境的少数民族中建立了较为稳固的基础。元朝政客对各种宗......
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