
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-14
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Abstract:The traditional etude, the melody created for training or dealing with a certain music craftsmanship, is usually written on some single and simple motives. Among all others, the etude by Chopin are truely diffcult to perform, for a good few art techniques are indispensable as such. What is more,as a representative type of classical music, they are not as popular as we like it to be. If we add characteristics of modern music into what are known as classical music, we may make them more dynamic, more understandable and thus more accepted. My thesis opposes the classical performing of Chopin's etude against ones by the present generation, and also gives rank to different music forms and performing styles. 

Keywords: Chopin, Revolutionary Etude, Maksim, the left hand etude

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:本文突出把古典的演奏表现形式与现代钢琴家(如马克西姆等人)的现代表现形式拿出来进行比较。文章准备从这首练习曲的特点、乐曲的历史背景、乐曲结构、音乐的内涵以及现代音......
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