
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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摘要:中国作为一个有上下五千年历史的文明古国, 其民族音乐也有着悠久的传统和极其重要的社会地位。 中国音乐旋律多样, 风格独特, 优美悦耳, 魅力无穷。而中国民族乐器中的竹笛,风采卓然,一向在民族音乐的创作和演奏中个性鲜明,独领风骚。因此,竹笛乐器和竹笛音乐继承、发展、光大是中国人,尤其是从事竹笛专业工作的人,非常值得研究的课题。本文主要探讨青少年竹笛教学的教材和教法,分享一些个人教学实践活动的感悟、分析和总结,希望以此为我国竹笛的教学传承及民族音乐的普及发展尽一分力。



Abstract: China, as a country with a five- thousand-year civilization, has her unique and colorful folk music tradition which holds big attraction to the world as well as her own people. Chinese music is of distinctive characteristics in its melody, rhythm, intonation and style and performed with different kinds of Chinese musical instruments among which bamboo flute is a representative one. With its beautiful, charming,  fascinating melodies, bamboo flute music is especially appreciated in Chinese folk music composition and performance. However, more Chinese young people today tend to consider western music superior to our traditional one, and prefer learning western music to learning Chinese music. It is time for Chinese musicians and music teachers to exert efforts to explore better ways to study, inherit and develop our traditional music. This paper is to discuss and study the textbooks and teaching methods in teenagers’ bamboo flute training based on actual teaching practice.

Keywords: bamboo flute; teenagers’ bamboo flute training; textbooks and teaching methods

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:目前,青少年竹笛教学的教材虽说不少,但往往雷同,有必要精选取舍;而针对不同的青少年竹笛学习者,教法不可以一成不变。本文从中国竹笛名家名曲入手,主要探讨青少年竹笛教......
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