
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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【摘要】  论文围绕兴趣对少儿钢琴学习的重要性和如何培养兴趣而展开。少儿在学习钢琴的过程中,“兴趣”占有着不可替代的主导地位。“兴趣是最好的老师”、“兴趣是能力的源泉”,培养儿童的兴趣,使之能以积极主动的心态学习,犹如能源与之发动机,是一种促使其不断进取的动力,从兴趣的产生及其培养和保持,如何解决少儿在学琴过程中对学琴的厌倦,都需要教师、学生及家长三位一体的紧密结合。因此,兴趣是儿童学好钢琴的一个关键,是使教学效果取得事半功倍的一个有效途径。

【关键词】 兴趣; 重要性; 钢琴教学; 少儿;  如何培养


【Abstract】 The interest on the importance of children's piano learning and how to cultivate interest and expansion. The children in the process of learning the piano, "interest" has played an irreplaceable dominant position. "Interest is the best teacher", "interest is the ability of the source", to cultivate children's interest, so that it can learn to be proactive, like energy and the engine, is a kind of the progressive power, arising from the interest and cultivate and maintain, the solutions to the children in the learning process on the piano tired, are required of teachers, students and parents of the close combination of the trinity. Therefore, the interest is a key to the children learn the piano well, is an effective way to make the teaching effect better.

【Key  words】 Interest; importance; piano teaching; children; how to cultivate

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:有些儿童应父母要求,被迫学琴,课堂很被动,学习效率很低。为了提高课堂学习效率,让儿童轻松快乐学琴,本文将对儿童心理发展特点、当今钢琴教学现状、兴趣的产生以及怎样培......
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