
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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【关键词】音乐治疗; 抑郁症; 治疗效果


【Abstract】 To present the people for a long time to face the life of various heavy pressure to become the high incidence of disease, depression. Through the use of music therapy depression mood improvement were observed, the clinical significance of music therapy. According to the different stages of the disease to choose the music. According to different stages of different age and culture degree, depressive symptoms, catalog music songs. After treatment, patients with depression after 2 weeks, 4 ~ 8 week effect. Conclusion: music can balance and meet the people's emotion, the treatment effect is achieved.

【Keywords】Music therapy; depression; curative effect

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:学术界的研究对音乐治疗有两种定义。第一是:它是一门科学性的系统治疗,包括各种不同方法的应用。音乐治疗显然要以音乐为主体,同时还有患者和音乐治疗师,三者缺一不可。第......
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