
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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Abstract: This thesis with problems encountered in the process of language of vocal music study to source. The Chinese song 《 skyline songbird》 as an example,introduce song history background and the emotion in the first. Take the example for Zhouxuan's “dialectical”,Songzuying's “national” and Wumochou's “exaggerated” in contrast with comparative words、 tone and timbre of the three point of view. The coupled with the experience of one plus their own language of vocal music, use of language in singing art, highlights the importance of language in singing. 

Keywords: Comparative words、The language of vocal music 、Art means、Clear pronunciation and mellow voice、 Art emotion

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:根据中国歌曲《天涯歌女》的三个版本进行比较和分析。笔者认为,歌唱语言包括咬字吐词、语气语调、音色表现等方面。在实际演唱过程中,有的歌唱者在演唱中字虽清楚但语调生硬......
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