
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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关键字  艺术,舞蹈,软开度


ABSTRACT:The art of dance is the art of taking the human body as means of expression. It is with the body to dance, go to express their feelings and shaping of the image. Chinese dance complex and diverse, technical difficulty and high range of motion. It requires flexible body parts are joints and muscles are highly elastic and flexible, it takes muscles have a lot of power, control and endurance, but more importantly better muscle flexibility, which is what people usually talk about the soft opening. The soft opening of the base, not only guarantees the quality of the choreography, and can increase the efficiency of training, and it can also expand the scope of Chinese classical dance performances, greatly enriched the choreography, expressiveness and performance tools. And so to be a good actor in Chinese classical dance must have a soft opening of the ability of the comprehensive, keyword: Arts: Dance: soft opening

Key Words:Arts,Dance,Soft opening

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:在表演过程之中它的内容变化形式非常的丰富,而且种类的样式也比较繁多,在表演过程中,工作的连贯性、和空间的弧等等对这些都达到了一定的要求。要想将舞姿动作和技术技巧做......
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