
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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ABSTRACT:Stage practice is a gradual process, in which the actors requires the use of certain professional theory and interpretation of artistic expression to show understanding of the process, which includes the daily practice of rehearsals, performances, the comparison,selection,use and development of the theory and skills. And also is the real drills and accumulation of the dancers to the stage, are ways and means of vitality which the dancers looking for. In this paper, we describes the theme of " the importance of practice on stage to capacity-building of dancers " in the paper. which in the center of how the practice on stage affect dancers, and the meaning of practice on stage to artistic expression of the dancers. 

Key words: Stage, Practice, Dancers, Meaning ,Importance

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:舞台艺术的最终目的是需要舞台表演来体现出来,因此舞台实践对于舞蹈来说就是一个不断发展与成长的过程。它是一个增强理性思维的过程,需要舞蹈演员在平常的排练、演出以及比......
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