
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词:宗教信仰 ,回族舞蹈, 文化影响


ABSTRACT:There are fifty-six ethnic Chinese, each nationality's folk life, religious belief, have feature of their own nation, that China folk dance is also rich and colorful. Religious belief which can affect the life custom, cultural phenomenon of a nation, and the unique characteristics of a country is closely related to the people and he is the geographical environment, folk customs, religious culture, art and religion are two different cultural phenomena, but whether they have much in common in the social function is reflected in the form of. Hui is a national minority in Chinese distinctive, one to Islam as the minority faith, unique style of dance. Hui people's belief of Islamic culture show an important role in the process of development of Hui shape, movement vocabulary, action characteristics, Hui dance stage costumes and dance of Hui nationality in the future have a close relationship with their traditional religious culture. To this, I will be on the relationship between religious belief of Hui nationality and dance of Hui nationality were summarized, summed up the impact of the religious belief of Hui Hui Hui dance creation, dance vocabulary in clothing and body characteristics of the dance of Hui nationality.

Key Words: Religious belief,   Hui dance ,   Cultural impact

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:回族信奉的是伊斯兰教,伊斯兰文化贯穿了回族文化的始终,在他们这个民族成形的进程中,宗教文化起了重要的作用。回族文化中除了有中华民族独有的文化外,它还夹杂着外来的文......
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