
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词  敦煌艺术,男性壁画乐舞,艺术形象,艺术价值


ABSTRACT:For a long time, people have known Dunhuang dance, but only know its female dance. Whether it is Dunhuang murals or Dunhuang dance which has been moved on the stage, it is always female dance as the main body, which seems to have formed an impression that Dunhuang dance is female dance. She is gentle, elegant, noble and sacred. And she is through the artistic treasures of Chinese civilization for thousands of years. However, after professional research, image of male dance is found in Dunhuang dance. The discovery is a subversion and sublimation of people’s traditional concepts. It turns out that through vigorous male body,Dunhuang dance can have such a rigid side.The goal of this research is: firstly to understand the gestures through the study of Dunhuang dance and to make a further study of Dunhuang old art history by male Dunhuang dance performance which helps to flourish dance art constantly. Here by understanding one aspect, we can have an overall understanding of history culture of Dunhuang dance to make people know the charm of Dunhuang art and to promote the traditional excellent culture of China. It also opens up a shortcut for study of art in other fields. 

Key Words:Art of Dunhuang ,Male fresco music and dance, Image of art , Value of art

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:敦煌舞蹈不仅是一项重要成分的中国古典舞的类型,同样也是现在舞蹈家将中国古代舞蹈史和敦煌舞蹈学的研究成果融合起来的结果。我们知道,在敦煌舞中,乐器和舞蹈是如影相随的,乐......
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