
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词  舞蹈美感,舞蹈,审美,艺术


ABSTRACT:Dance in the basic theory of beauty in the dance and dance aesthetics is one of the basic problems and dance beauty is also important, because the dance aesthetic feeling is on the base of aesthetic activity, any dance of creation and the aesthetic feeling of appreciation is inseparable from the dance. Cultivation and aesthetic ability, sense of dance art in the dance art plays an important role in the learning process. The most important is the cultivation of the expressive force of a dancer, dance expression is for understanding and comprehension, the dance itself is the beauty of dance. Any arts aesthetic feeling, no aesthetic feeling, can't call it art. So, aesthetic training is every a successful artist of compulsory lesson. Dance aesthetic consciousness is the basis of the dance aesthetic activities, the dancers by finding of the people and things in life, and using a special form of dance to show it. The audience needs to have to the dance of beauty appreciation ability, can understanding and experience dance works. In DunHuang dance learning and training, aesthetic training occupies an irreplaceable position, is a basic training part of can not be ignored, need more in a long process to train and exercise myself to dance to perception of China and the United States. With good aesthetic perception and expressive dance, is a prerequisite for being a good dancer, is also the most important basic conditions. If you want to make their own dance works are recognized, you must give dance works strong vitality, and the meaning of life lies in: outpouring of emotion, the enjoyment of beauty. The dancers and the audience for their emotional outpourings of its dance work to make the real emotional feedback.

Keywords:Dance  Aesthetic Feeling  Aesthetic  Art

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:任何门类的艺术都会讲求一个美感,如果艺术作品没有美感,它就不能被称之为艺术。舞蹈艺术顾名思义就更是这样,所以舞蹈艺术的美感训练在舞蹈教学中具有不可替代的重要......
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