
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词:  敦煌,舞蹈,人物塑造,重要性 


ABSTRACT:The breath is the source of life. Dance is also cannot do without breathing, respiratory effects on dance is not to be ignored. In the dance, dance according to the changes of respiration rhythms, music of the strength and consciously take the initiative to conduct, will make the dance expressive. Dunhuang dance is the same, therefore, we should correct the fulcrum in peacetime training to understand and study found breathing to reduce body fatigue, but from the physical and mental control, better show the Dunhuang dance style, interpretation of dance art image. In this paper, taking Dunhuang dance external attitude and the other to illustrate the importance of breathing in the Dunhuang dance and particularity. Hope that through this research on the subject, let oneself further to understand the dance of Dunhuang unique style, so that we can better grasp and use good breathing Dunhuang dance performance characteristics, to achieve more effective results.

Keywords:   Dunhuang, Dance, Characterization, Importance

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:敦煌壁画舞姿彩塑主要是塑造佛、 神 的形象和描绘极乐世界,是那些生活在当时社会中的画工以当时的社会中的现实生活情况和所见的各种艺术形象为依据而创作出来的,而这一现象就......
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