
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词    幼儿,舞蹈教育,方式


ABSTRACT:Today, children's dance education is paid attention to by the people day by day Based on the purpose of children's dance education significance The age stage of the physical and mental characteristics and excellent children's dance teacher should possess the quality of the conditions, combined with the author's own teaching practice, to explore on the basis of happy learning, to foster a child's body rhythm sense of creativity Self-confidence and thinking ability as the main purpose of children's dance education, to enhance the broad masses of the people's understanding of children's dance education, for the majority of children's dance education workers to provide some references for in teaching.

Key Words: Infants, Dance education,Way

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:因为舞蹈本身的需求,在涉及到基本功的训练时,可以培养幼儿的意志力,以及不怕困难、坚韧、敢于超越自我的品性。通过群体性活动方式,还可以增强幼儿团结互助的意识,增强纪......
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