
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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摘要:音乐与舞蹈是两个最古老的艺术形式之一,从产生一开始就密不可分,音乐是按照音律、 节奏、 旋律与和声体织体有效的组合起来形成一定的乐音体系 ;舞蹈中的音乐有两方面,一方面是舞蹈表演者用他的肢体语言和动作,所表现出来的美感外,同时从音乐中的段落、内容完美结合起来。另一方面音乐的节奏、 旋律、 风格和传递出来情感激发着舞者的心灵,同时烘托舞蹈的气氛。舞蹈训练中应加强音乐知识的理解,提高音乐素养,从而达到音乐和舞蹈的完美结合。



ABSTRACT:Music and dance are two of the most ancient art form, from the beginning of music is inseparable, in accordance with the melody, rhythm, melody and harmony of general body effectively combined to form the system of dance music; music in two aspects, one is the dance performer with his body language and action, show aesthetic feeling, also from the music contents paragraphs, the perfect combination of. On the other hand, the rhythm of the music, melody, style and the excitation of dancers and dance soul, foil atmosphere. To strengthen the knowledge of music should be understood in dance training, improve music literacy, so as to achieve the perfect combination of music and dance. 

Keywords:Music  Dance  Rhythm

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:在舞蹈艺术里,音乐、舞蹈是分不开的姊妹艺术。我们在学习舞蹈的同时应该加强对音乐知识方面的了解,在舞蹈课堂训练中应适当让学生理解音乐中的节奏、旋律的理解,增加音乐方......
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