
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词:  草原文化,蒙古族舞蹈分类, 影响


ABSTRACT:China is a great nation consisting of 56 ethnic groups. As a member of this big family, Mongols lead a nomadic life, living wherever there is water and grass, and have a long history and splendid culture. Under the influence of grassland culture and nomadic way of life, Mongolian dance has been shaped into a dance form characteristic of ruggedness, enthusiasm, boldness, naturalness, vigor, calmness, tenderness as well as smoothness throughout the long course of history. The Mongolian dance is closely intertwined with the natural environment of the grassland. The nomadic culture of the Mongols is tied to specific life styles and ethnic habits; Mongols therefore develop the dance styles and artistic characteristics that are unique to this culture. This thesis studies how the grassland culture influences the Mongolian dance in different aspects ranging from styles and types to religions and natural environment. 

Key Words:Grassland culture,Classification of Mongolian dance,Influence

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:蒙古族人民在游牧过程中形成了独具蒙古族民族特性的舞蹈风格和艺术特征。本文通过对蒙古族舞蹈分类及其基本形态以及宗教信仰、自然环境等各方面的浅析来阐述草原文化对蒙古族......
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