
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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ABSTRACT:Dunhuang dance from the refined Dunhuang caves mural, its artistic value is higher than the static attitudes of thousands of odd potential, it is attributable to the China classical dance part of the system, but it is agglomeration, local style of the Central Plains, the west, the present us is different from other dances of the exotic. How to let the thousands of years of cultural exchange of Chinese and western music and dance the crystal to be inherited and developed, is the need to continue to organize, study its artistic value, making it more attractive and vitality, this article will study starting from the Dunhuang dance art value origin, re thinking, the position, and do analysis and research issued by the science, has the certain practical significance in current is.

Key Words:Dunhuang dance  Artistic value  Appreciation of the beauty

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:敦煌舞的创造是时代的产物,是新时期下,舞蹈工作者感召文化之使命,追寻古迹,挖掘文化之遗产,依托敦煌,鉴于敦煌壁画的舞姿而创造出来的一个古典舞的新品种,继承弘扬地是......
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